from my most recent faculty teaching evaluation
"Dr. Arenstein impressed me as a very level, easygoing, and clear instructor. His manner encourages a sense of trust and participation among students. He was a patient and attentive listener who carefully weighed his responses in order to adeptly address the students' questions and concerns. At the same time, he proved to be an extremely focused and well-organized teacher [....] His handling of the material and students was most satisfactory."
from student course evaluations
• "I learned so much more in this course compared to my other courses. If you work hard, this class is really very helpful and enjoyable."
• "This course was very interesting, very demanding, and very rewarding."
• "Many courses don't stimulate the students' minds but this one does. [...] The assignments can even be fun."
• "The most important thing I learned in this course is to think beyond thinking: to not stop at my first idea, to form many thoughts and ideas, to never stop thinking and developing my thoughts. The way of thinking that I developed in this course is rewarding and I will use it throughout my entire life."
• "This course is required for a good reason -- it is truly a learning experience."
• "Meeting with Professor Arenstein during office hours is very useful. They are a great opportunity to get feedback, great ideas, and inspiration."